Fourth Graders Say “Thanks”

FOR RELEASE on or after February 13, 2025
Energy Share of Montana
3117 Cooney Drive Suite 102
Helena, MT 59602

Contact for more information: Rachel Haberman, Executive Director: or 406-442-4900
Lauren Ford, Director of Energy Programs, Action for Eastern Montana, 406-377-3564

Fourth Graders Say “Thanks”

Two fourth graders from Longfellow School in Baker placed first and third in Energy Share of Montana’s statewide fourth grade art contest. The winning drawing by Harper Renner will grace the front of thank you cards sent by Energy Share to donors all around the state starting July 1st. Third place went to Marcella Medearis. Both are in Ms. Herman’s class. Second place went to Kinley Volle in Shepherd.

On Wednesday, February 12, representatives from Action for Eastern Montana (AEM) in Glendive presented Harper and Marcella with their $75 and $25 prizes. AEM handles Energy Share applications in eastern Montana. Ms. Herman was also presented with an Amazon gift card to use for classroom needs. Energy Share is buying pizza for Ms. Herman’s class as a “congratulations” for all their fine artwork. Lastly, there will be a billboard in Miles City in March with Harper’s drawing on it and AEM’s phone number for people to call if they are facing a home energy emergency.

Using the medium of art, Herman has taught her students about our Montana neighbors who sometimes need additional help with keeping warm in the winter. Per Energy Share’s contest guidelines, the drawings by her students depict what Energy Share means to them.

The art contest is part of Energy Share’s overall efforts to educate the public on the energy needs of our neighbors across the state. Donations from individuals and small businesses across Montana make it possible for Energy Share to help Montanans who face emergency, no-heat situations when they encounter temporary financial difficulties. Investor-owned utilities, large electric users, the propane industry, Montana’s electric cooperatives, and individuals across the state come together to support Energy Share.

All the fourth graders who participated in the art contest send a big “thank you” to those who donate to Energy Share to help keep their neighbors warm. If you know of someone who needs help with their bill or would like more information, please call Action for Eastern Montana in Glendive at 406-377-3564, the statewide Energy Share office at 1-888-779-7589 or 442-4900, or visit either website at or


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