Youth Employment & Training
WIOA Youth Program
(Click here for the digital brochure)
Purpose: The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Teens work(WIA) Title IB Youth Program provides services to youth ages 14-21 if in-school and ages 16-24, if out-of-school. The main thrust of the Youth Program is to increase the focus on longer-term academic and occupational learning opportunities and provide long-term comprehensive service strategies.
Economic Development: The Youth Program is designed to prepare Montana’s youth to either enter post-secondary education, training or employment upon completion of their secondary education. The aging of Montana’s workforce is an issue of concern and therefore this program can be an instrument toward meeting the future workforce demands.
Youth program elements consist of:
Tutoring, study skills training
Alternative secondary school or dropout recovery services
Paid and unpaid work experience
Occupational skill training
Leadership development opportunities
Supportive services
Adult mentoring
Follow up services
Comprehensive guidance and counseling
Financial literacy education
Entrepreneurial skill training
Labor market and employment information services
Activities that help youth prepare for and transition to post secondary education and training
Eligibility: An individual must be between the youth ages 14-21 if in-school and ages 16-24, if out-of-school, low income and meet at least one of the following barriers to employment:
School dropout (individual is no longer attending any school and has not received a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent)
Basic literacy skills (individuals that have English, writing or computing skills at or below the 8th grade level on a generally accepted standardized test)
Foster child
Pregnant or parenting
Homeless or runaway youth
If an individual (includes a youth with a disability) who has no vocational/employment goal and has below average grades or has a poor history (to include no work history) or has been fired from a job in the last six (6) months
For More information Please Contact
Sonja Kimball E&T Director