Who qualifies for a Senior Companion?

Anyone over the age of 60 can qualify to have a companion provided if there is one available.
Anyone 21 to 59 can have a companion if there is a medical reason for them to receive help.
There is no charge to the client for receiving help from a senior companion.

Examples of the types of service provided:

  • Take the client shopping

  • Accompany to doctor appointments

  • Monitor Medication

  • Assist with walking and exercise

  • Read/write letters, fill out forms, or help with money management

  • Go to social or sporting events

  • Provide respite care for family care givers

The companion and the client decide on what activities they will do, what days they will meet and how many hour they will spend together.


Mission Statement:

To provide an opportunity for qualified, able-bodied seniors to make a meaningful contribution to their communities be enabling people who need support to maintain their greatest level of independence.

Counties We Serve:

Dawson, Custer, Fallon, Garfield, McCone, Phillips, Prairie, Powder River, Richland, Roosevelt, Rosebud, Sheridan, Treasure, Valley, Wibaux, Fort Peck Tribes

How to become a Senior Companion

Senior Companions are volunteers who provide limited help to other at-risk seniors to help keep them independent.

  • Senior Companions must be 55 years of age and meet the income guide lines for the Federal Grant.

  • The income level for 2023 for a family of one is $2,430 per month, for a family of two, it is $3,283.34. A volunteer's income can be adjusted for medical expenses to help bring them to the necessary income level.

  • They must pass three background checks , a National Sex Offender, a Montana State Felony Background Check and a FBI fingerprint check and complete 20 hours of orientation training before they can work with clients.

  • Senior Companions receive a stipend of $4.00 for every hour they volunteer along with mileage reimbursement at the federal rate and a meal per diem to encourage them and the clients to receive healthy meals.

  • The stipend is not considered income and will not affect the volunteer from receiving any other federal, state, or local services or programs.

  • Senior Companions set their own hours they wish to volunteer and how many clients they will help.

  • Senior Companions are provided with liability insurance to protect them and the clients from lawsuits.

  • They are supervised by a local volunteer station.

    For more information on becoming a Senior Companion please contact Toni Goroski at 406-377-3564 or 800-227-0703

Contact Us

Toni Goroski- Senior Companion Program Coordinator
Glendive - (406) 345-2145


Area 1 on Aging


Employment & Training