Action for Eastern Montana, Inc. (AEM)…
is established as a nonprofit corporation under the laws of the State of Montana. The Board of Directors is established as the authority to operate AEM in accordance with the corporation’s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. AEM has operated human service programs in eastern Montana since 1965. Counties served include Sheridan, Daniels, Valley, Phillips, Roosevelt, Richland, McCone, Dawson, Prairie, Wibaux, Custer, Fallon, Powder River, Carter, Rosebud, Treasure and Garfield. Included in these counties are two Indian Reservations.

This area is approximately 48,000 square miles which is larger than Tennessee, Massachusetts and Connecticut combined and is about one-third the state of Montana.

AEM contracts with the following State and Federal agencies to provide services to disadvantaged individuals in eastern Montana: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (Rural Housing and Economic Development); the Montana Department of Commerce; the Montana Department of Labor; the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services; and the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. In addition to administering the contracts, AEM also serves as an advocate for the low-income and elderly programs which benefit those individuals. We strive to bring new essential services within reach to those in need, to put control of those services in the hands of people who know best how to administer them and to act as an advocate for those who have been neglected. Due to the extreme rural nature of eastern Montana resources are limited. AEM is one of the very few agencies in rural Montana aware of the human service needs impacting rural eastern Montana.

AEM is the sponsoring agency for community programs geared primarily towards empowering low-income individuals, seniors and families. Programs include: Senior Companions, Home Delivered and Congregate Meals, Ombudsman, Youth Employment & Training, Head Start, Weatherization, Section 8 Housing Assistance, Energy Assistance, Emergency Assistance, and the Emergency Shelter Grants program.

AEM is the only organization that provides critical support to the family as a unit. It is extremely supportive of community-based initiatives that impact families. We provide services from preschool to retirement in cooperation with other providers to help families stay together and improve the conditions in which they live.

The Section 8 Rental Assistance Program assists households with rent. Staff in the seventeen county area perform inspections of the rental units and work with landlords and tenants to meet the housing needs of the participants..

LIHEAP staff coordinate services with a variety of fuel and utility providers to problem solve the heating needs of participating households.

Households are assisted with their energy/heating needs. A local committee works with staff to assist those who have either exhausted their LIHEAP benefits and/or are facing a heating/energy emergency.

The Weatherization Program has several funding sources to assist in adding the most cost effective materials to your home for long term energy efficiency..

AEM is the lead agency for the Area I Agency on Aging. AEM provides support to local board to provide services to the elderly population, including congregate meals, home delivered meals, in-home services, legal assistance and other needed services. In addition, AEM provides information and assistance, Ombudsman and Senior Companion Services..

Senior Companions Program

Mission Statement:

To provide an opportunity for qualified, able-bodied seniors to make a meaningful contribution to their communities be enabling people who need support to maintain their greatest level of independence.

AEM operates the Head Start program in four communities; Glendive, Baker, Miles City, Glasgow, and Malta, providing literacy, fatherhood services, family support services, child development, nutrition and health services to 126 children and their families.

The Youth Program works to assist participants in their employment and skill development. The Program also addresses parenting, life skills, educational plans, and fatherhood issues.