Julia Neves Julia Neves

Community Needs Assessment Survey

J&G Research and Evaluation out of Bozeman Montana has released the Community Needs Assessment Survey. According to J&G “Community members like you can help your local community action agency understand the strengths and challenges your community faces when it comes to issues such as housing, food security, and health. Respond now! All survey participants will be entered in a random drawing to win one of five $50 Visa gift cards.”

If you are interested in filling out the survey please click the link below. Surveys are due on 03/21/2025

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Julia Neves Julia Neves

Fourth Graders Say “Thanks”

Two fourth graders from Longfellow School in Baker placed first and third in Energy Share of Montana’s statewide fourth grade art contest. The winning drawing by Harper Rennison will grace the front of thank you cards sent by Energy Share to donors all around the state starting July 1st. Third place went to Marcella Medearis. Both are in Ms. Herman’s class. Second place went to Kinley Volle in Shepherd.

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